September 20, 2024

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20 thoughts on “Why Wolverine’s Claws Suck

  1. Bullshit!!! His claws should never shoot from his wrist, they never did it when he just had bone claws, how would they cut through his when his wrist are adamantium coated, also not only in The Uncanny X-Men and The X-Men cartoons but in the comics wolverine can control the speed the his claws deploy even controlling the deployment of them individually so I don’t see how they would shoot through his wrist.

    Somebody is lying 🤥

  2. I’m the original wolverine thanks for the fond memories I didn’t remember the metal gloves in my suit before this video big thanks! 😢😊

  3. I think we’d all get used to it. Let’s be honest, no matter what anybody says, we’d all have Wolvi’s powers if we could even it hurt every time we pulled out the claws.

  4. What NEVER made any sense to me, is where the claws go when he retracts them. Because in MANY pictures, they have shown the claws being “stored” INBETWEEN the two bones in his forearm. BUT, that would be IMPOSSIBLE. Because when you twist your wrist to put your palm face up or face down, the two bones in your forearm actually CROSS OVER one another. Making having anything rigid in between them IMPOSSIBLE. So with his claws retracted, wolverine would NOT be able to turn his wrists AT ALL.

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