May 13, 2024

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Marvel Studios Leaked Phase 6 Breakdown

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20 thoughts on “Marvel Studios Leaked Phase 6 Breakdown

  1. I hope Doctor Strange 3 is better than 2 and explores the chracter Development of Doctor Strange and America Chavez pls. Shang Chi let’s go…… A fifth Thor film???

  2. I think avengers 5 is gona be a civil war type movie between the x-men like the original plan of fox universe for x-men and fantastic four crossover that leads to secret war events

  3. One of the things that they have to tie up in Dr Strange 2 is where Wanda went to. She has no golden ticket to Secret Wars which is supposed to feature everyone. There is no project that would bring her back into it.

  4. Hearing this first from me that this is going to fall apart.
    I’m sorry but these characters are not strong enough to reboot a whole franchise, everything… The X-Men has barely touched the ground in the mcu. Doctor strange and Thor can help reboot it but just to rely on those two?
    I can’t believe they give the nod to Thor over Hulk…
    What’s the point in all the whole Hulk stuff in Captain America 4, Sheng Chi, She-Hulk? When they’re not going to do anything with it. What’s the point in casting Harrison ford if they just going to reboot it all?
    This is garbage…
    After watching endgame anybody can see Dr Bruce Banner is the best fit for time travel, multiverse and dimensions… Thor gonna have fricking five movies? Is this a joke?
    The best characters to lead this was Spider-Man and Hulk and probably Wolverine. And they probably still had a little bit of time to do something. But it’s evident that they’re not and if they leave it any longer it would be too late…
    I get that Thor and doctor strange have fans and their movie’s do well. But they are not strong enough characters to reboot a whole franchise.
    Stronger characters would be, Spider-Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, nick Fury, war machine, guardians… Just for the MCU. And what they brought to the MCU.
    Well they’ve ruined nick Fury. Hawkeyes a loser. It looks like it’s true about making Hulk a joke… And they’ve ended guardians…
    And passed the book solely to Dr strange and Thor? Seriously?😅
    Don’t get me wrong I think doctor strange and Thor should be a part of it. But they shouldn’t be gambling on them…

  5. to be a fly on the wall to screen snap that phase 6 leak from Marvel Studios. its now or never. Marvel has to introduce Beta Ray Bill and have him be the succeeding Thor. Still think Secret Wars needs to be a part 1 and part 2 released in the following year.

  6. I’m excited for how the MCU soft reboot turns out before “Avengers: Secret Wars” gives us that final farewell for the current MCU and all the other Marvel franchises out there if these leaks are true here

  7. Be great to more serious take on thor,perhaps throw in the don blake element,after perhaps losing his powers after battling other gods. Further on you could have him or just loki retrieving tony stark from the afterlife (for secret wars only) throw in mephisto or nightmare,looking to prevent the retrieval. X-men wise be good to see henry cavill, as mister sinister perhaps….

  8. MCU X-Men is going to be radically different from what came before and it’s going to be too different I.E. race swapping/gender-swapping beloved characters and it will absolutely backfire on them simply because it’s forced.

  9. So let me get this straight there are only going to be four movies in phase six, no Shang Chi 2, no Midnight Sons, no Scarlet Witch movie, no WW Hulk movie mmmh we will see I guess

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