May 3, 2024

Biglinux News in 2024

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  1. The fact that the Sony Venom was only in the MCU a few minutes and left a bit of the semiot behind tells us Marvel won’t let Sony characters crossover really. It’s not going to happen.

  2. Do you really think these Sony Spider-man team will be able to just step back now that they are fighting to not get fired. They realize if the CEO realizes he doesn’t need them and only needs Marvel to make their movies he should axe the Sony marvel team. They just fired 10% of the PlayStation team and that is making money!

  3. Madam web should’ve been about the 3 peters we saw in no way home her getting them so they can fight and put other villians back in their respected universe

  4. The Live action spider-verse could actually happen if Sony backs off on spider-man 4. If they act in good faith and let marvel control the direction of spider-man 4 marvel will be more cooperative later on. Sony and Marvel need to cooperate with each other to make these shared characters mutually profitable.

  5. Ahh yes, the studio with two Morbin Time mega-flops should get to choose what Marvel do with their own stories.

    Sony, stay well away! Changing Spiderman 4 could literally end Marvel as we know it, due to the pressure on Marvel projects at the moment.

    1) They could do another major Multiverse thing in Spiderman 5.

    2) Let Marvel help develop Sony films for a cut of the revenue, with no impact on the MCU.

  6. *Sony needs to stop meddling with the MCU’s roadmap and instead greenlight a Raimi Spider Man 4 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3.*
    Because if Sony releases them close to Avengers 5 and Avengers: Secret Wars, it give those films a specific part to play (while being it own thing) and become necessary viewing for what going to happen in Secret Wars.

  7. As much as I like to be an optimist in these things, I think we’re giving Sony too much credit. They’ve proven for decades now (bar their animation department) that they have no idea how to write or produce a proper spider-man film.

  8. Sony..for once in your lives, do something right and stay out of the way with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man and let the MCU handle Tom Holland’s Spider-Man 4/next trilogy. Also give all the rights back to Marvel. They would do things a whole lot better. So yeah, stay out of the way Sony and let Feige and the MCU handle Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. That’s all.

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